Why Suvi Décor?

The works speak for themselves
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Why Suvi Décor?

  • 1. Customer’s Unique
    We design for your unique. Our core expertise and well process designed, will deep down what is your really unique design and requirement. We invest on high talent and training & development to ensure our team can offer exceptional design and uniqueness. Uniqueness help you
    • Determine Unique Brand & Identity (DNA)
    • Build Brand Strategy & Communication
    • Effective Budget Control
    We have professional way to access what is the real need of our client.
  • 2. Quick–30days
    Delivered. We understand time is cost for our client. Shortening delivery time for renovation work will help our client save rental cost and boost sale opportunity. With our well plan and execution of project management system, we guarantee to deliver client’s project within 30 days. Here are key focus why we make so quick:
    • Unique Culture
    • Project Planning & Control
    • Digital Project Management System
    • Resource Planning
    • Contingency Plan
    • Strong internal organization
    • Well trained staff
    • Incentive to Site Engineer within 30 days
    • Supplier/Contractor Management Plan
  • 3. Best-Cost Offer
    Cost is big concern from every client. We care about customer’s bottom line. Here are why make us best cost offer:
    • We design for what is matter, what are the need and uniqueness
    • We set standard affordable Margin; we don’t over charge on client’s non-expertise.
    • We are supply chain expertise. We deep down detail for total cost of ownership and leverage our purchasing power. We have well process of supplier management system.
  • 4. Quality
    Quality First. With our Quality Management System, we ensure our consistency quality for our client.
    • Quality Culture - We have build quality culture for every staff, supplier, or sub- contractor. Quality creates trusted brand.
    • Quality Control (QC)- With our Controlling process, we track and monitor quality from supplier, production, installation and after sale.
    • Quality Assurance (QA) – We ensure the outcome satisfy our client through our Quality Assurance process.
  • 5. Customer Service
    • All employees do customer service, not just direct sale person. We build culture of service mind and well train to our crew.
    • We invest on CRM system to ensure every activity is track and reporting is performing quickly.
    • Our After-sale service will act proactively to assure total value receiving from our service.
    • Trust is our core Customer Service. No trust no business. Our trusted foundation starts from Internal working environment, working with supplier, compliance to government law and to our client.